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Other Titles: Методология создания и использования новых генотипов свиней отечественного и зарубежного происхождения в условиях юга Украины
Methodology of creation and usage of new pigs genotypes of domestic and foreign origins in the conditions of southern Ukraine.
Authors: СУСОЛ, Р.Л.
Сусол, Р.Л.
Susol, R.
Keywords: свині, генотип, заводський тип, лінія, велика біла порода, п’єтрен, селекція, продуктивність, середовище, паратипові фактори
свиньи, генотип, заводской тип, линия, крупная белая порода, пьетрен, селекция, продуктивность, среда, паратипические факторы
pigs, genotype, plant type, line, Large White breed, Pietrain, selection, productivity, environment, environmental factors
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Миколаїв
Citation: УДК 636.082.2:636.082.13:636.4 Сусол, Руслан Леонідович. Методологія створення і використання нових генотипів свиней вітчизняного та зарубіжного походження в умовах півдня України [Текст] : автореф. дис. на здоб. наук. ступеня д-ра с.-г. наук : [спец.] 06.02.01 "Розведення та селекція тварин" / Сусол Руслан Леонідович ; МОН України, Миколаїв. нац. аграр. ун-т. - Миколаїв, 2015. - 38 с.
Abstract: Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора сільськогосподарських наук за спеціальністю 06.02.01 – розведення та селекція тварин. – Миколаївський національний аграрний університет Міністерства освіти і науки України. – Миколаїв, 2015. У дисертаційній роботі теоретично доведена та практично реалізована методологія створення і використання нових генотипів свиней вітчизняного походження та обґрунтовані варіанти використання порід свиней зарубіжного походження в умовах півдня України. Установлено, що удосконалення популяції свиней великої білої породи в умовах Одеської області здійснювалось за принципом «відкритої» популяції з використанням у селекційному процесі тварин цієї ж породи естонського, англійського та французького походження. Виявлено високий генетичний потенціал свиней породи п’єтрен за забійними та м’ясними якостями. Доведена можливість використання свиней французького походження компаній «Нуклеус» та «ADN» в умовах півдня України при чистопородному розведенні та схрещуванні. Встановлено, що введення в раціон свиней підвищеного рівня сирого протеїну та засвоюваного лізину сприяє підвищенню генетичного потенціалу продуктивності тварин. Доведена можливість підвищення показників відтворювальної здатності, відгодівельних та м’ясних ознак з урахуванням генотипів за ESR, МС4R та RYR1 генами у свиней великої білої породи та п’єтрен. Вивчені варіанти міжпородного підбору свиней, які в умовах промислових господарств забезпечують одержання додаткового прибутку.
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора сельскохозяйственных наук по специальности 06.02.01 – разведение и селекция животных. – Николаевский национальный аграрный университет Министерства образования и науки Украины, Николаев, 2015. В диссертационной роботе теоретически доказана и практически реализована методология создания и использования новых генотипов свиней отечественного происхождения и обоснованные варианты использования пород свиней иностранного происхождения в условиях юга Украины. Установлено, что усовершенствование популяции свиней крупной белой породы в условиях Одесской области происходило по принципу «открытой» популяции с использованием в селекционном процессе животных этой же породы эстонского, английского и французского происхождения. Выявлен высокий генетический потенциал свиней породы пьетрен по забойным и мясным качествам. Доказана возможность использования свиней французской селекции компаний «Нуклеус» и «ADN» в условиях юга Украины при чистопородном разведении и скрещивании. Установлено, что введение в рацион свиней повышенного уровня сырого протеина и усваиваемого лизина способствует повышению генетического потенциала продуктивности животных. Доказана возможность повышения показателей воспроизводительной, откормочной, мясной продуктивности с учетом ESR, MC4R и RYR1 генов. Изученные варианты межпородных сочетаний свиней обеспечивают получение дополнительной прибыли.
Methodology of creation and usage of new pigs genotypes of domestic origin had been proved theoretically and implemented practically in this dissertation and options of using pig breeds of foreign origin in the conditions of southern Ukraine had been substantiated. Thesis is based on a comprehensive assessment of selective, genetical and biological characteristics of pigs. Methodology of creation and usage of new pigs genotypes of domestic and foreign origins in the South of Ukraine was shown. It was established that the improvement of pigs of Large White breed population in Odessa region had been carried out on the principle of «open» population use in the process of animals selection the same breed Estonian, English and French origin. High genetic potential of pigs of Pietrain breed of «ADN» company was found. As a result of this purposeful work carried out for many years, the new pedigree type «Prychornomorskyi» is being created by the method of pure breeding pigs of Large White breed and «breeding inside» crosses of desired type in the conditions of Odessa region. The results of the work at this stage of creation pedigree type «Prychornomorskyi» for fourth generations by the intensive selection are allowed to obtain animals that have the following basic parameters of performance: adult boars live weight at the age of 24 months - 320-350 kg; body length - 185-186 cm; sows live weight after the first farrowing - 187-195 kg; body length - 154-155 cm; fecundity - 10,5-11,5 heads and more, milk production - 60-65 kg , litters weight at the 35th days of life - 80-85 kg, survival - 90% and more. The average daily gain for fattening up to 100 kg live weight at the age of 165-178 days - at cost of 807-824 g per 1 kg of growth - 3.1 kg completed feed, the thickness of bacon – 18.1-19.4 mm, the length of half carcass – 96.3-96.6 cm, meat contents in carcasses - 61.4%. In addition the usage of crossing method in pigs of Large White breed of domestic and Estonian, English, French selection did not worsen fat and meat products of animals pedigree type «Prychornomorskyi», which is being created and the main physical and chemical indicators were within physiological norm. Assessment of pigs productivity in terms of created pedigree lines Focus 77347, Faust 77404 shows that animals of both lines are quite close to the main indicators of fattening and meat qualities. Average productivity parameters of both lines of boars had exceeded or they were within the requirements of pedigree type standard. A clear impact of proper large fecundity indicator on the basic reproductive indicators of sows Large White genotype pedigree type «Prychornomorskyi» that is in the process of creation and Pietrain breed French selection «ADN» had been marked. While studying the ESR1 gene associations with reproductive qualities of sows pedigree type «Prychornomorskyi» which is being created, the positive effect of allele ESR1В and ESR1ВВ genotype on the animals productivity was found. Young pigs of Large White breeds pedigree type «Prychornomorskyi» MC4RGG genotype have the highest exterior assessment and the least bacon thickness. While studying the RYR-1 gene associations with reproductive qualities of sows of Pietrain breed, the reproductive abilities of indicators are taken into account and the advantages in the sows of heterozygous genotype Nn over the uterus of homozygous genotype nn were observed. Polymorphism by MC4R gene replacement young pigs of Pietrain breeds is presented by homozygous and heterozygous AGGG genotypes. Animals belonging to homozygous genotype AA were not detected, which indicates that this genotype selection is directed to the thickness reduction of bacon and meat qualities improvement for many generations. Young pigs of Pietrain breeds with heterozygous genotype AGNn for MC4R gene have the best fattening qualities, the youngest age to achieve live weight of 100 kg but pigs of GGnn and GGNn 37 genotype have the smallest thickness of bacon and the highest exterior assessment from meat position. The process of adaptation positively affected on the efficiency indicators of uterine herds of Pietrain breed use. Thus, the number of insemination failure in sows of the third generation and the level of farrowing emergency had been decreased significantly. Thus, the fecundity in sows of third generation compared with animals delivered from France was increased on 6.5%. With every next generation the average value of adaptation level has been decreased. Highly significant differences (p < 0.001) of this indicator are observed between animals of the third generation and animals that are delivered from France. The reduction of adaptation level can be explained by the gradual animals adaptability to the conditions of feeding and maintenance. High genetic potential of pigs of Pietrain breed for slaughter and meat quality at slaughter live weight at 100 and 120 kg was found: meat yield is 71.8% and 73.5%, carcass length of young pigs – 95.7 and 102 7 cm, bacon thickness 8,0-12,0 mm, area of «muscle eye» – 55.2 and 67.3 cm2, meat content – 73.6 and 72.1%, fat content – 13.8 and 16.4%, bone content – 12.6 and 11.6% respectively in live weight of 100 and 120 kg. It was established that high productivity level indicated good adaptation ability of pigs of Large White and Landrace breeds of French selection of «Nucleus» company in the conditions of the Odessa region and the feasibility of their use in the selection process in order to improve pigs herds of domestic breed. In our research the interaction system «genotype × environment» was being considered on the example of increasing realization of the genetic potential of pigs taking into account the level of crude protein, amino acid composition of diets, using multi complex Tri-Sol as the main or auxiliary factors that regulate gene expression and is a substrate for evolutionary changes of pigs genotype and their adaptive abilities in the desired direction for man.
Description: Methodology of creation and usage of new pigs genotypes of domestic origin had been proved theoretically and implemented practically in this dissertation and options of using pig breeds of foreign origin in the conditions of southern Ukraine had been substantiated. Thesis is based on a comprehensive assessment of selective, genetical and biological characteristics of pigs. Methodology of creation and usage of new pigs genotypes of domestic and foreign origins in the South of Ukraine was shown. It was established that the improvement of pigs of Large White breed population in Odessa region had been carried out on the principle of «open» population use in the process of animals selection the same breed Estonian, English and French origin. High genetic potential of pigs of Pietrain breed of «ADN» company was found. As a result of this purposeful work carried out for many years, the new pedigree type «Prychornomorskyi» is being created by the method of pure breeding pigs of Large White breed and «breeding inside» crosses of desired type in the conditions of Odessa region. The results of the work at this stage of creation pedigree type «Prychornomorskyi» for fourth generations by the intensive selection are allowed to obtain animals that have the following basic parameters of performance: adult boars live weight at the age of 24 months - 320-350 kg; body length - 185-186 cm; sows live weight after the first farrowing - 187-195 kg; body length - 154-155 cm; fecundity - 10,5-11,5 heads and more, milk production - 60-65 kg , litters weight at the 35th days of life - 80-85 kg, survival - 90% and more. The average daily gain for fattening up to 100 kg live weight at the age of 165-178 days - at cost of 807-824 g per 1 kg of growth - 3.1 kg completed feed, the thickness of bacon – 18.1-19.4 mm, the length of half carcass – 96.3-96.6 cm, meat contents in carcasses - 61.4%. In addition the usage of crossing method in pigs of Large White breed of domestic and Estonian, English, French selection did not worsen fat and meat products of animals pedigree type «Prychornomorskyi», which is being created and the main physical and chemical indicators were within physiological norm. Assessment of pigs productivity in terms of created pedigree lines Focus 77347, Faust 77404 shows that animals of both lines are quite close to the main indicators of fattening and meat qualities. Average productivity parameters of both lines of boars had exceeded or they were within the requirements of pedigree type standard. A clear impact of proper large fecundity indicator on the basic reproductive indicators of sows Large White genotype pedigree type «Prychornomorskyi» that is in the process of creation and Pietrain breed French selection «ADN» had been marked. While studying the ESR1 gene associations with reproductive qualities of sows pedigree type «Prychornomorskyi» which is being created, the positive effect of allele ESR1В and ESR1ВВ genotype on the animals productivity was found. Young pigs of Large White breeds pedigree type «Prychornomorskyi» MC4RGG genotype have the highest exterior assessment and the least bacon thickness. While studying the RYR-1 gene associations with reproductive qualities of sows of Pietrain breed, the reproductive abilities of indicators are taken into account and the advantages in the sows of heterozygous genotype Nn over the uterus of homozygous genotype nn were observed. Polymorphism by MC4R gene replacement young pigs of Pietrain breeds is presented by homozygous and heterozygous AGGG genotypes. Animals belonging to homozygous genotype AA were not detected, which indicates that this genotype selection is directed to the thickness reduction of bacon and meat qualities improvement for many generations. Young pigs of Pietrain breeds with heterozygous genotype AGNn for MC4R gene have the best fattening qualities, the youngest age to achieve live weight of 100 kg but pigs of GGnn and GGNn 37 genotype have the smallest thickness of bacon and the highest exterior assessment from meat position. The process of adaptation positively affected on the efficiency indicators of uterine herds of Pietrain breed use. Thus, the number of insemination failure in sows of the third generation and the level of farrowing emergency had been decreased significantly. Thus, the fecundity in sows of third generation compared with animals delivered from France was increased on 6.5%. With every next generation the average value of adaptation level has been decreased. Highly significant differences (p < 0.001) of this indicator are observed between animals of the third generation and animals that are delivered from France. The reduction of adaptation level can be explained by the gradual animals adaptability to the conditions of feeding and maintenance. High genetic potential of pigs of Pietrain breed for slaughter and meat quality at slaughter live weight at 100 and 120 kg was found: meat yield is 71.8% and 73.5%, carcass length of young pigs – 95.7 and 102 7 cm, bacon thickness 8,0-12,0 mm, area of «muscle eye» – 55.2 and 67.3 cm2, meat content – 73.6 and 72.1%, fat content – 13.8 and 16.4%, bone content – 12.6 and 11.6% respectively in live weight of 100 and 120 kg. It was established that high productivity level indicated good adaptation ability of pigs of Large White and Landrace breeds of French selection of «Nucleus» company in the conditions of the Odessa region and the feasibility of their use in the selection process in order to improve pigs herds of domestic breed. In our research the interaction system «genotype × environment» was being considered on the example of increasing realization of the genetic potential of pigs taking into account the level of crude protein, amino acid composition of diets, using multi complex Tri-Sol as the main or auxiliary factors that regulate gene expression and is a substrate for evolutionary changes of pigs genotype and their adaptive abilities in the desired direction for man.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/816
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