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Authors: Півень О. Т., Богач М. В.
Piven O., Bogach M.
Keywords: вівці, баранина, показник рН, термін зберігання
sheep, mutton, index of pH, expiration date
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Ветеринарна медицина
Citation: УДК: 619:616.995.121Мо:614.31:637.563 Півень О. Т. Вплив ураження овець монієзіями на якість баранини / О.Т. Півень, М.В. Богач // Ветеринарна медицина: міжвід. темат. наук. зб. - Харків, 2017. - Вип. 103. - С. 263-265.
Abstract: Баранина, отримана від інвазованих монієзіями овець, характеризується повільним зрушенням показника рН у лужний бік, що призводить до порушення процесів дозрівання м’яса та скорочення термінів його зберігання. Реакція з міді сульфатом вказує, що у інвазованих монієзями тварин охолоджена баранина стає несвіжою вже на 3-тю добу. У пробах баранини від інвазованих тварин на 3-тю добу виявлено 28,3±0,9 мікробів, що свідчить про сумнівну свіжість.
To investigate he changes of рН of mutton in different terms and draw conclusion in relation to possibility of storage of her on general grounds. Materials and methods. Researches conducted in department of parasitology, veterinary sanitation and disinfection of OES NSC «IECVM». Separate researches – in the laboratory of department of veterinary hygiene, sanitation and expertise of ОSAU. pH of meat determined by potenciometrical method. Microscopic research of tests was conducted according ГОСТ 23392-8. Results. In an experience group of standards in the moment of coalface the index of рН was anymore close to the alkaline side. In future the index of рН in experimental standarts went down slower. рН diminished according to the day of coalface on 13,4 and in control tests – on 13,3 however the first expressed jump of index in a sour side in experience tests was on 10-th day, while in control – on 3th. In experience tests on 3th day educed dimness and presence of flakes in clear soup at raising of reaction with a cuprum sulfatis, while tests from the uninfested sheep remained fresh. The analogical reaction in group of control tests was found at 5th and 10th days. After coalface in the experience group the amount of microorganisms in strokes-imprints was 7,6±0,5 microbes that testifies to freshness of mutton. On 3th day in experience tests counted about 28,3±0,9 microbes (P≤0,05), that specifies on doubtful freshness of standards, and on 5th – 32,1±0,7 microbes (unfreshness). Conclusions. 1. Mutton from the infested by moniezias sheep characterized by the slow change of index of рН in an alkaline side. It leads the violation of processes of ripening of meat and reduction of his expiration dates. 2. For infested animals the mutton becomes unfreshness already on 3th day according the reaction with cuprum sulfatis. 3. In tests of mutton from infested animals on 28,3±0,9 microbes are educed on 3th day, that testifies to doubtful freshness, while in mutton from the uninfested animals doubtful freshness is educed on 5th day. 4. The use of mutton from the infested by moniezias sheep on general grounds can become reason of food toxicoinfections.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2383
Appears in Collections:Півень Ольга Тарасовна

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