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Authors: Holik A., Roman L.
Keywords: detection оf mastitis, non-lactating, cows
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Одеський державний аграрний університет
Citation: Holik A., Roman L. Detection оf mastitis in non-lactating cows. Актуальні питання судово-ветеринарної експертизи: реалії та перспективи: мат-ли Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 23–24 травня 2024 р.) / ОДАУ. Одеса, 2024. С.126-129.
Abstract: Mastitis still remains a serious veterinary problem, causing significant economic damage to agriculture and cattle breeding [1, 4]. In connection with the relevance of the problem in foreign countries, national programs "Healthy udder" have been created, which are subsidized by the state [2]. The creation of such a program was also planned in Ukraine. But due to the crisis in agriculture, it was postponed indefinitely. One of the points of these national programs is the control of mastitis in dry cows. However, veterinary control of mastitis in dry cows is not carried out reliably due to the lack of simple and reliable methods of diagnosing mastitis. This is explained by the fact that previously there was no need for differential diagnosis of mastitis in dry cows. This was due to the fact that with the transition of the cow to dry period, there is no veterinary and zootechnical control over the non-functioning mammary gland. The aim of our research was to improve the methods of diagnosing mastitis in dry cows.
URI: http://lib.osau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/4801
Appears in Collections:Роман Лілія Григорівна

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