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Authors: Osadchuk P.I., Domuschi D.P.
Keywords: sunflower oil, ultrasonic field, cleaning process, magnetostrictive emitter, ultrasonic generator, ultrasonic cavitation
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Konya food and agriculture university
Citation: Osadchuk P.I., Domuschi D.P. Cleaning sunflower oil using the ultrasonic field. IV International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences online Congress (October 30-31, 2020), Konya food and agriculture university (KGTU). Turkey, 2020. Р.494-499.
Abstract: The options for using the ultrasonic field for primary cleaning of sunflower oil are considered. Developed an experimental installation with ultrasonic generator for purification of sunflower oil under the influence of ultrasonic field. Experimental studies of the effect of ultrasonic cavitation by changing the frequency and power of the electrical signal supplied to a magnetostrictive transmitter are presented. The technological
URI: http://lib.osau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/4087
Appears in Collections:Осадчук Петро Ігорович

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