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Authors: Osadchuk P.I.
Keywords: vegetable oil, electromagnetic field, hydration, phosphatides
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Konya food and agriculture university
Citation: Osadchuk P.I. Hydration of rapeseed oil using an electromagnetic field. IV International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences online Congress (October 30-31, 2020), Konya food and agriculture university (KGTU). Turkey, 2020. Р.488-493.
Abstract: The prospects of using physical fields for the process of rapeseed oil purification are considered. The analysis of the existing research on the use of the processing of liquid food products by the electromagnetic field is carried out. In the context of the influence of the process of separation between two or more inhomogeneous media in the systems "liquid - liquid" and "liquid - solid". An experimental plant for the hydration of vegetable oils with processing by an electromagnetic field has been developed. Experimental studies of this process are presented, which were carried out in order to intensify and increase the release of the amount of phosphorus-containing substances, fatty acids, waxes and other related substances. The obtained results of experimental studies confirmed the positive expectations. The graphic material is presented that describes a physical experiment, the result of which is the receipt of the recommended parameters for using the electromagnetic field. Under these conditions, a high quality oil is obtained. Energy costs are reduced by intensifying the process.
URI: http://lib.osau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/4086
Appears in Collections:Осадчук Петро Ігорович

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