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Authors: Broshkov M., Kusturov V., Levchenko А.
Keywords: IgG, Toxoplasma gondii, Daraprim, Sulfadiazin, toxoplasmosis treatment, dogs
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Konya food and agriculture university
Citation: Broshkov M., Kusturov V., Levchenko А. Dynamics of IgG toxoplasma gondii titer in blood of dogs during therapy. IV International Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences online Congress (October 30-31, 2020), Konya food and agriculture university (KGTU). Turkey, 2020. Р.463-466.
Abstract: The aim was to analyze the dynamics of IgG Toxoplasma gondii titer in dogs for several years after therapy, taking into account the seasonality of the disease. Daraprim has been shown to be the most effective drug for the treatment of acute toxoplasmosis, but it has the disadvantage that it affects only endozoites and does not affect Toxoplasma gondii cysts. IgG titer was recorded by serological method (ELISA test). The study was conducted on dogs of the German Shepherd breed, in which at the initial visit to the clinic were found titers of antibodies against toxoplasmosis. The level of antibodies in the repeated study was lower than in the primary; in the third study - lower than in the primary and secondary. That is, a decrease in the level of antibodies was observed in each subsequent study. This may indicate a decrease in the activity and amount of the pathogen or the tolerance of the immune system to the antigen.
URI: http://lib.osau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/4082
Appears in Collections:Брошков Михайло Михайлович

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