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Authors: Harbers T., Toonders P., Artyomova O., Artemov V.
Keywords: Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), modular farms, modular farming, container farms, ZipPod™, ZipGrow™.
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Одеський державний аграрний університет
Citation: UDC 633/635:631.5:004(71) Harbers T., Toonders P., Artyomova O., Artemov V. Growing sustainably in Canada through controlled environment agriculture. Сучасні тенденції розвитку геодезії, землеустрою та природокористування: зб. мат-лів Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 15-16 червня 2022 р.) / ОДАУ, Факультет геодезії, землеустрою та агроінженерії. Одеса, 2022. С. 223-228.
Abstract: There are many places where food production is limited by a vulnerable supply chain, lack of arable land and climate change. To provide more reliable solutions to food security, the research of advantages and shortcomings of existing CEA solutions was completed and ZipPod™, the turnkey container system was designed to make it simpler for community leaders, individuals and non profits to set up CEA food production quickly and to grow fresh produce in an environment that prioritizes plant health and human health.
URI: http://lib.osau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/4034
Appears in Collections:Артемов Владислав Олександрович

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