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Authors: Палій А. П., Завгородній А. І., Ведмідь О. В., Дубін Р. А.
Paliy A. P., Zavgorodniy A. I., Vedmid O. V., Dubin R. A.
Keywords: деззасіб «Неодез-Екстра», мікобактерії, M. fortuitum, M. bovis, концентрація, експозиція, бактерицидні властивості
«Neodez-Extra», mycobacterium, M. fortuitum, M. bovis, concentration, exposition, bactericidal properties
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Ветеринарна медицина
Citation: УДК: 619:579.873.21:615.331 Бактерицидні властивості деззасобу «Неодез-Екстра» щодо мікобактерій / А.П. Палій, А.І. Завгородній, О.В. Ведмідь, Р.А. Дубін // Ветеринарна медицина. – 2016. – Вип.102. – С. 213-216.
Abstract: У статті наведені результати з вивчення бактерицидних властивостей дезінфікуючого препарату «Неодез-Екстра» щодо збудника туберкульозу M. bovis та атипових мікобактерій M. fortuitum. Встановлено, що дезінфектант «Неодез-Екстра» проявляє бактерицидні властивості щодо мікобактерій при застосуванні у концентрації 3,0 % за експозиції 24 години.
An important link in the whole complex of veterinary-sanitary measures aimed at protecting biological large livestock and poultry enterprises on production on an industrial scale have disinfection, whose main task is to destroy infectious agents in the environment. The aim of the work was to study the bactericidal properties of a new disinfectant «Neodez-Extra» about mycobacteria. Researches were conducted according to methodical recommendations «Studying of bactericidal properties of disinfectants, by carrying out disinfection and control of its quality at tuberculosis of agricultural animals» (2007). The bactericidal properties of the drug «Neodez-Extra» is defined relative to the pathogen M. bovis tuberculosis and atypical mycobacteria M. fortuitum, which were grown on medium Pavlovsky for, respectively, 30 – 45 and 14 – 21 hours at 37 °C. In experiments using test bacterial mass cultures of mycobacteria, which were typical culture and biological properties. It has been established that the preparation «Neodez-Extra» at 0,5 % for one exposure – 24 hours and at a concentration of 1,0 – 5,0 % at 1 Exposure – 5 hours only possesses bacteriostatic relatively atypical mycobacterium M. fortuitum, and exhibits bactericidal properties in a concentration of 1,0 – 5,0 % at 24 hours exposure. It is also determined that the disinfectant «Neodez-Extra» in a concentration of 1,0 – 2,0 % at 24 hours exposure does not disinfect wooden test objects contaminated with the causative agent of tuberculosis M. bovis, and for applying the drug at a concentration of 3,0 % exposure 24 hours he disinfects all experienced test objects. When biological studies have confirmed the bactericidal properties of funds «Neodez-Extra» with respect to Mycobacterium tuberculosis M. bovis. In the generalization of the results found that disinfectants «Neodez-Extra» can be used for preventive and forced disinfection of premises in affluent and disadvantaged with respect to tuberculosis in cattle farms.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3417
Appears in Collections:Дубін Руслан Анатолійович

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