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Authors: Rodionova K.O., Paliy A.P., Yatsenko I.V., Palii A.P.
Keywords: nutria meat, veterinary-sanitary control, slaughtered yield
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety
Citation: UDC 619:614.31:637.5’693 Rodionova K. O. Adaptation of nutria meat to industrial technologies of the meat industry / K.O. Rodionova, A.P. Paliy, I.V. Yatsenko, A.P. Palii // Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety. 2020.Vol. 6, Issue 1. 31-36.
Abstract: This research is to determine the features of identification of products of the slaughter of nutria while post-slaughter veterinary-sanitary control, to assess the slaughtered yield, to study the peculiarities of the chemical and biochemical composition of the products of the slaughter of nutrias. This will allow, under the conditions of import substitution, to extend the source of raw materials for the production of sausage products and assortment of meat ready-to-cook foods. This paper represents the results of the veterinary and sanitary assessment of nutria meat as a prospective raw material for the meat processing industry in Ukraine. The peculiarities of identification of slaughter products of nutria are determined by the presence of fat deposits, rounded form lipoma, and the structure of internal organs while post-slaughter veterinary and sanitary control of nutrias’ carcasses. It is proved, nutrias have been shown to have a sufficiently high slaughter yield of 57.5 ± 2.3% as compared to rabbits. It has been proven that nutria has a fairly high lethal yield compared to a crawl. The difference in the slaughter rate of female and male species was negligible and was 4.5 ± 1.4%. Nutrias’ Meat Index is 4.9 ± 0.7. The high content of flesh on the spinal-chest and the thigh makes it possible to recommend these parts to produce portion (pieces) semi-finished products According to physicochemical composition nutria meat is characterized by an increased content of moisture (90.27 ± 2.18%), high content of protein (20.82 ± 1.15%) and low content of fat (8.34 ± 0.71%), which makes it possible to attribute this kind of meat to dietary
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2858
Appears in Collections:Родіонова Катерина Олександрівна

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