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Title: Disinvasive action of aldehyde and chlorine disinfectants on the test-culture of Toxocara canis eggs
Authors: Paliy, A.P., Sumakova, N.V., Rodionova, K.O., Nalivayko, L.I., Boyko, V.S., Ihnatieva, T.M., Zhigalova, O.Ye., Dudus, T.V., Anforova, M.V., Kazakov, M.V.
Keywords: disinfectant, disinfection, eggs Toxocara canis, concentration, exposure, test-object, soil
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Ukrainian Journal of Ecology
Citation: UDC 619:576.895.1:631.311.86 Paliy, A.P., Sumakova, N.V., Rodionova, K.O., Nalivayko, L.I., Boyko, V.S., Ihnatieva, T.M., Zhigalova, O.Ye., Dudus, T.V., Anforova, M.V., Kazakov, M.V. (2020). Disinvasive action of aldehyde and chlorine disinfectants on the test-culture of Toxocara canis eggs. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 10(4), 175-183.
Abstract: Disinfection of environmental objects with highly effective disinfectants is a reliable and effective means of preventing the occurrence of outbreaks of infectious and parasitic diseases. The purpose of our work was to determine the disinfection properties of modern disinfectants based on the test culture of Toxocara canis helminths and to establish the optimal modes of their use. It has been proven that an aldehyde disinfectant containing didecyldimethylammonium chloride (2.25%), benzalkonium chloride (8.0%), glutaraldehyde (15.0%), phosphoric acid, nonionic surfactants, water exhibits disinvasive activity against test cultures of Toxocara canis eggs at a concentration of 2.0-4.0% at a temperature of 20±0.5°C and an exposure of 3-24 hours, and the ovocidal efficiency is from 90.60% to 99.70%. Aldehyde disinfectant can be used for disinfection of soil (black earth, sandy loam, loamy) contaminated with Toxocara canis eggs, at a concentration of 4.0% at 6:00 exposure and a consumption rate of 3000 cm3/m2. Chlorine agent, contains dichlorantin, dimethylhydantoin (12.4-16.4%), dispersant (9.0-12%), nonionic surfactants, corrosion inhibitor, filler exhibits disinvasive activity against Toxocara canis test culture in a concentration of 3.0-4.0% with an exposure of 3-24 hours, and the ovocidal efficiency in this case ranges from 97.40% to 98.82%. The chlorine agent is effective for soil disinfection only at a depth of up to 2 cm at a concentration of 4.0% at a consumption rate of 1000 cm3/m2 and an exposure time of 24 hours.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2854
Appears in Collections:Родіонова Катерина Олександрівна

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