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Title: Formation of Persistent Population of Invasive Species Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) (Auchenorrhyncha: Flatidae) in the South of Ukraine
Authors: Popova L.V, Bondareva L.M., Polozhenets V.M., Nemeritskaya L.V.
Keywords: Metcalfa pruinosa, invasion, plants, population, Ukraine
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Russian Journal of Biological Invasions
Citation: Popova L. V. Formation of Persistent Population of Invasive Species Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) (Auchenorrhyncha: Flatidae) in the South of Ukraine / L. V. Popova., L.M. Bondareva., V.M .Polozhenets., L.V. Nemeritskaya . // Russian Journal of Biological Invasions. 2019. Vol. 10. P. 48–51.
Abstract: The formation of a persistent population of a new invasive species, citrus flatid planthopper (Met¬calfa pruinosa Say, 1830), is reported for the Ovidipol district, Odessa oblast, Ukraine. M. pruinosa originates from America. The imagoes of this insect species were observed during the surveys on fruit trees, fig trees, grape, and ornamental plants in private gardens: they were fixed with yellow sticky traps. Morphological description, features of the insect development, host plants, distribution ability, and importance are given for M. pruinosa as a potentially harmful insect in southern Ukraine. Taking into consideration that M. pruinosa continues to occupy rapidly a new territory and new host plants, it is necessary to perform phytosanitary monitoring of different crop cultures in southern Ukraine and to take action to restrict its development and to reduce its harmfulness using biological and chemical agents.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2405
Appears in Collections:Попова Лариса Василівна

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