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Інші назви: Лечение гепатоанемического синдрома в служебных собак
Treatment of hepatiоanemia syndrome in dogs
Автори: Головаха В.І., Анфьорова М.В., Піддубняк О.В., Дубовий А.А.
Golovacha V., Аnferovа M., Piddubnyak О., Duboviy A.
Теми: службові собаки, гепатоанемічний синдром, гепаві-кел, суїферровіт, броваферан-100, гепатоцити, еритроцити, гемоглобін, гематокритна величина, ферум, ЗФЗЗ, НФЗЗ, коефіцієнт насичення трансферину ферумом, альбуміни, сечовина, АсАТ, АлАТ
служебные собаки, гепатоанемический синдром, гепави-кел, суиферровит, броваферан-100, гепатоциты, эритроциты, гемоглобин, гематокритная величина, ферум, ОФСС, НФСС, коэффициент насыщения трансферрина ферумом, альбумины, мочевина, АсАТ, АлАТ
dogs, hepatitis anemic syndrome hepavikel, suyiferrovit, brovaferan 100, hepatocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit value, iron, TIBC, UIBC, factor transferrin saturation with iron, albumiy, urea, AST, ALT
Дата публікації: 2015
Видавництво: Науковий вісник ветеринарної медицини
Бібліографічний опис: УДК 619:616.61-002.151/.155.194-008.6:6367 Лікування гепатоанемічного синдрому у службових собак / В. І. Головаха, М. В. Анфьорова, О. В. Піддубняк, А. А. Дубовий // Науковий вісник ветеринарної медицини. - 2015. - № 2. - С. 42-49.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Наведені результати ефективності препаратів гепаві-кел і броваферан-100 за гепатоанемічного синдрому аліментарного походження у службових собак. Патологія у собак характеризувалася: анемічністю кон’юнктиви, олігоцитемією, олігохромемією, гіпоальбумінемією, гіперферментемією АсАТ і АлАТ, гіпосидеремією, підвищенням НФЗЗ (ненасиченої ферумозв’язувальної здатності сироватки крові) та зниженим коефіцієнтом насичення трансферину ферумом. Парентеральне застосування хворим собакам гепаві-келу та броваферану-100 значно поліпшує еритроцитопоез, про що свідчать фізіологічні величини еритроцитів, гемоглобіну, гематокритної величини, феруму, ЗФЗЗ, НФЗЗ, коефіцієнта насичення трансферину ферумом. Завдяки вдало підібраному співвідношенню вітамінів у складі гепаві- келу і феруму у препараті броваферан-100 у собак за гепатоанемічного синдрому відновлюється функціональний стан гепатоцитів, на що вказують фізіологічні показники альбумінів, сечовини та амінотрансфераз (АсАТ і АлАТ).
Приведены результаты эффективности препаратов гепави-кела и броваферан-100 при гепатоанемическом синдроме алиментарного происхождения у служебных собак. Патология у собак характеризовалась: анемичностью кон- ъюнктивы, олигоцитемией, олигохромемией, гипоальбуминемией, гиперферментемией АсАТ и АлАТ, гипосидеремией, повышением НФСС (ненасыщенная ферумосвязывающая способность сыворотки крови) и пониженным коэффициентом насыщения трансферрина ферумом. Парентеральное применение больным собакам препаратов гепави-кел и броваферан-100 значительно улучшает эритроцитопоэз, о чем свидетельствуют физиологические величины эритроцитов, гемоглобина, гематокритной величины, ферума, ОФСС, НФСС, коэффициента насыщения трансферрина ферумом. Благодаря удачному соотношению витаминов в составе гепави-кела и ферума в препарате броваферан-100 у собак при гепатоанемическом синдроме восстанавливается функциональное состояние гепатоцитов, на что указывают физиологические показатели альбуминов, мочевины и аминотрансфераз (АсАТ и АлАТ).
The animals are mostly found combined internal pathology, which scientists joined in syndromes. Among the latter often appears anemic syndrome. This is due, primarily, to the metabolic organs: kidneys (they synthesized erythropoietin) and liver directly supervise and regulate state erytrotsytopoez. So scientists for anemia in kidney damage combined nefroanemic syndrome, and for liver disease in hepatoanemic. In the literature there are reports on the development and nefroanemic hepatoanemic syndrome in different species. However, methods of correction hepatoanemic syndrome in dogs is not covered. Therefore chosen research topic is relevant. The aim of the work was not estimate in developing treatment regimes for dogs hepatoanemic syndrome nutritional origin using hepavikel and brovaferan-100. The study used dogs 2−8 years of age German Shepherd and Rottweiler breeds in which the survey found anemic conjunctiva. In the blood of dogs - oligotsytemiya, oligohromemiya, hypoalbuminemia, AST and ALT hyperenzymemia. The animals were kept in cages. Feeding carried out twice a day using barley, wheat and oat groats and bone meal. There were no meat products in the diet of dogs. That dog diet is not balanced for nutrients. The animals were clinically examined, measured body temperature; determined fatness, constitution, temperament, body position. To study the effectiveness and hepavikelu brovaferanu 100 dogs were divided into two groups: experimental (n=7) and control (n=8). Dogs in experimental group used hepavikel (subcutaneously at a dose of 5 mL, three times at intervals of 5 days) and brovaferan 100 (3 mL intramuscularly three times in 5 days). The animals in the control group suyiferrovit used in doses of 5 ml (intramuscular injection three times at intervals of 5 days). The general condition of dogs was satisfactory, normal body temperature (37,8−38,7 ° C), a lively temperament, natural posture, delicate constitution, dense, degree of muscle skeletal medium, anemic conjunctiva. In animals, from the experimental group the average number of red blood cells was 4,8±0,15 Т/l. Oligotsytemiya found in 57,1% of dogs. In control dogs number of red averaged 5,4±0,24 Т/l. Oligotsytemiya found in 37,5% of dogs. The content of hemoglobin in dogs in both groups was low and 131,1±3,50 and 127,0 ± 2,95 g / l respectively. Oligohromemiya found in 87,5 and 85,7% of dogs in control and experimental groups. Index "red" blood - МСН was 85,7% higher in experimental animals and in 37.5% of the control group. Obviously, increasing the МСН indicates the metabolism of cobalt, iron, cyanocobalamin, folic acid because their metabolism is dependent on the functional state of the liver. Hematocrit value of all dogs in the experimental group was low – 30−36 %. In dogs controls set low hematocrit value of 75% of the animals. In dogs MСV both groups was within physiological fluctuations. Consequently, most dogs (60%) for hepatoanemic syndrome manifested normocytic anemia hyperchromic. For a more detailed assessment erytrotsytopoez determines the state transferrіnum-iron complex. Markert is, above all, the content of iron in the blood transfusion because it provides oxygen and carboacid in tissues. The content of iron in animal research 57,1 % and 75 % of the animals of the control groups was low. Hyposyderemiya in animals caused apparently by feeding cereal forages that have a large amount of phytic acid. Last inhibits the resorption and absorption of iron. TIBC (indicates the amount of iron bound to transferrin) in dogs in the control group averaged 72,9±3,14 mmol/l in the experimental − 62,3±2,93 mmol/l. That TIBC values did not differ from clinically healthy dogs (62,5−83,2 mmol/l) [], ferrum, and transferrinum UIBC (evidence of unbound iron to transferrin pull) in the experimental group dogs to treatment averaged 37,8±2,78 mmol/l. In control animals markers of iron values were higher (52,7±,42 mmol/l, p<0.05). In 87,5% of the animals UIBC index was greater than 50 mmol/l, which is evidence of the accumulation of toxic iron and transferrin low capacity of iron. The content of transferrin in dog serum of experimental and control groups was 2,78±0,130 and 3,26±0,140 g/l, respectively, that is no different from the quantities clinically visual dogs. If the content of transferrin in the blood of dogs by hepatoanemic syndrome compared with healthy probably no different then its iron saturation within both groups had some differences. This is primarily the control group, as in 75% of dogs iron saturation was lower minimum rate (33,3%), which obviously indicates a slow synthesis in hepatocytes, which results in slowing the transport of iron to the marrow. In assessing the functional status of liver aminotransferases set hyperenzymemia AST and ALT in 57,1% of dogs as experimental and control groups. In dogs found hypoalbuminemia. It is found in all animals of both groups. In 42,9% of dogs and 57,1 experimental and control groups found low quantities of urea in blood serum. In the treatment improved the general condition of the animals from the 11th day. They appeared luster wool, 85,7% of dogs in the experimental group was conjunctiva from pale pink to pink color (in control only 37,5%). The body temperature in all dogs was normal (38,2−38,9 oC). Number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in animal experimental group increased by 28,6 and 21,3%, respectively (p <0,01) in control − no different from the values of the beginning of the experiment (p<0,5), although 50 % of the animals found an increase in hemoglobin 1,6−14,5 %. MCH in experimental animals 42,9% increased compared with initial values on 10,4-12,3%. In the index fell 57,1% to physiological values − 21,6−24,7 pg. In control MCH different from the initial values. The value of hematocrit in dogs after treatment in experimental group increased by 23,3% (p <0.01). In dogs of the control group, this figure has not changed in comparison with the values to treatment. The content of iron in the blood serum of dogs after treatment in experimental group was 30,6±2,32 mmol/l, increased by 24,9% compared with initial values. In control animals the average iron content had only tended to increase (p <0.2). TIBC dogs in the experimental group after the proposed treatment regimes hepatoanemic syndrome tended to decline compared with the values of the beginning of the experiment (p <0.2). A similar trend found in dogs of control group. An indication of the accumulation of free iron ions is UIBC that in animal experiments in comparison with the beginning of the experiment, decreased to 26,2±3,57 mmol/l (30,7 %; p <0,05); in control − had only a downward trend (p<0,2). Transferrin saturation percentage of iron in the experimental dogs after treatment increased by 14,9%, in control, this ratio has not changed significantly. Науковий вісник ветеринарної медицини, 2'2015. 49 After treatment of hepavikel brovaferanom 100 improved functional status of the liver. In particular, the animals of experimental group increased albumin content in serum by 32.1%). In control - protein content changed. AST activity decreased by 32.8% compared with the values before treatment (p<0,05). ALT activity decreased by 24% and averaged 268,6±11,13 nkat/l, which is 28,8 % less than in dogs in the control group (p<0,05). Thus, the combined use of hepavikel brovaferan 100 to dogs for hepatoanemic syndrome have positive impact on erytrotsytopoez and functional status of hepatocytes. This is due to the presence of thiamine, pyridoxine (improves the body use of fatty acids, improves metabolism of bile acids through synthesis of taurine from cysteine and methionine), vitamin E (regulates cellular respiration, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism), cyanocobalamin (involved in the synthesis of methionine, acetate, deoxyribonucleotides, metabolism of nucleic acids and proteins).
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1359
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