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dc.contributor.authorPaliy A., Stryzhak T., Pliekhova G., Ukhovskyi V., Rodionova K.-
dc.identifier.citationPaliy A., Stryzhak T., Pliekhova G., Ukhovskyi V., Rodionova K., 2019 Investigation of the entry process of high yielding cows to the milking parlour with the optimization of their relocation. ABAH Bioflux 11(1):26-35.ru
dc.description.abstractThe expediency of the development of scientifically grounded effective technological methods of automatic milking, parameters and modes of equipment, the implementation of individual production processes consist in ensuring maximum detection of productivity of cows, further increase of their productivity and attractiveness of the work for the staff. In view of the increased requirements for the physiology of systems that directly contact with the living organism, the research aimed finding new technical and technological solutions and effective regimes for their application in production conditions with maximum consideration of the physiological characteristics of high yielding cows should be considered relevant. The purpose of the paper was to study the entry process of high yielding cows to the milking parlour with the optimization of their relocation. It has been established that when cows are driven to milking mechanically, the operator is fully focused on the process, while he is not distracted and does not pay attention to other kinds of work. This allows achieving a high throughput of the milking plant, providing a proper preparation of high yielding cows to automatic milking and high intensity of milk let-down – 2.08 kg/min on the average. According to the results of the research, the gentle technological mode of operation of a mechanical driver has been substantiated, the use of which provides the milk yield of 1.92 kg/min, the duration of one individual milking at a level of 6.04 min, and promotes a rapid and calm entry of cows for milking.ru
dc.publisherABAH Biofluxru
dc.subjectbovine, driving, ethology, behavior, indicators of milk let-downru
dc.titleInvestigation of the entry process of high yielding cows to the milking parlour with the optimization of their relocationru
Розташовується у зібраннях:Родіонова Катерина Олександрівна

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