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dc.contributor.authorСкрипка М. В., Коваленко В.Л., Мачуський О.В., Мачуська В.А., Аль-Бкур Тарек Яхйа-
dc.contributor.authorSkripka M., Kovalenko V., Machuskyi O., Machuska V., Al-Bukur Tarek Yakhya-
dc.identifier.citationУДК 619:615.9:606:62:639.3:639.212 Скрипка М. В. Результати вивчення нешкідливості ветеринарних препаратів «Анальцим-Si» та «Споро-лекс» / М.В. Скрипка, В.Л. Коваленко, О.В. Мачуський, В.А. Мачуська, Аль-Бкур Тарек Яхйа // Ветеринарна медицина: міжвід. темат. наук. зб. / Національна академія аграрних наук України. – Харків, 2018. – №104. - С. 294 – 298.ru
dc.description.abstractНаведена інформація щодо дослідження ветеринарних препаратів «Анальцим-Si» та «Споро-лекс» на нешкідливість та токсичність (гостра і хронічна). У лабораторних дослідженнях визначено відсутність загибелі білих щурів і мишей у гострому токсикологічному експерименті при одноразовому внутрішньошлунковому введенні монтморилонітової породи — діючої речовини препаратів. Тому, за ступенем токсичності препарати можна віднести до речовин малонебезпечних, що володіють слабо вираженими кумулятивними властивостями. За визначення хронічної токсичності встановлено, що значення біохімічних показників крові поросят, як контрольної, так і дослідних груп, в динаміці експерименту були у межах фізіологічної норми та вірогідно не відрізнялися між собою.ru
dc.description.abstractProbiotic microorganisms — are the representatives of normal microbiota of humans and animals, which were selected from the exact organism as a normal inhabitant. Their application is totally justified taking into account the concept of livestock without antibiotics. There is a list of requirements to get probiotics effective such as active strains, testing for safety and efficiency, adequate and clean livestock buildings. The goal of the work — to conduct the study of veterinary preparations "Analcim-Si" and "Sporo-Lex" for safety and toxicity (acute and chronic). Materials and methods. "Analcim-Si" is a montmorillonite rocky from the Volodymyrytske field. The fraction of the rocky is from 0.01 mm to 5 mm. Probiotic "Sporo-Lex" is a mix of probiotic Bacillus licheniformis VK-25 and Bacillus subtilis MK-3 on a natural standardized sorbent (montmorillonite rocky). The study of safety and toxicity of the preparations "Analcim-Si" and "Sporo-Lex" was conducted in laboratory and field conditions. Taking into account that the composition of both preparations is montmorillonite rocky from the Volodymyrytske field, the study was subjected to the sorption component. The estimation of the functional state of the piglet organism during the 90-day setting of feed additives was carried out according to clinical and biochemical parameters of blood in accordance with generally accepted methods. Results of research and discussion. It was established that single intragastric administration of montmorillonite rocks at doses of 5-25 g/kg of body weight did not cause probable changes in the body mass of laboratory animals in experimental groups, compared to the control indicators. Clinical observations have shown that single intragastric administration of montmorillonite rocks did not cause a pattern of acute poisoning in white mice and rats. The animals of the I, II and III experimental groups were active, responded well to external stimuli, consumed food and water, mucous membranes of pink color, wool was smooth and shiny, urinary and defecation processes remained normal, nervous and cardiovascular systems dysfunctions were not detected, reflex excitability is preserved. Cumulative properties of montmorillonite rock are weakly expressed. In the absence of death of white rats and mice in acute toxicological experiment, DL50 montmorillonite rock can be considered ≥ 10 000 mg / kg, which according to the degree of toxicity can be attributed to substances of low risk. Clinical observations have shown that after prolonged oral administration of montmorillonite rock did not cause clinical changes in young pigs. During the chronic exposure of the rock to the pigs’ diet, no significant changes in the number of leukocytes and blood hematocrit in the blood of animals of all experimental groups were reported, indicating no haemotoxic effects of the preparations on the piglets in all experimental groups. The biochemical parameters of piglet blood, both control and experimental groups, in the dynamics of the experiment were within the limits of the physiological norm and probably did not differ from each other. It has been established that chronic alteration of the addition of the rock does not effect hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects on the body of pigs. On the other hand, it should be concluded that the addition of montmorillonite rocks at doses of 10 g/kg and 50 g/kg of feed should be used as a feed biological additive of directed adaptogenic and immunocorrective action on the indicator of growth of live weight, determined type of proteinuria and the state of morphological parameters of blood of piglets. on fattening of young animals of farm animals. Conclusions. 1. Taking into account the absence of death of white rats and mice in acute toxicological experiment with single intragastric administration, the preparations "Analcim-Si" and "Sporo-Lex" montmorillonite rock can be attributed to the low hazard, which have weakly expressed cumulative properties. 2. During the application of "Analcim-Si" and "Sporo-Lex", the biochemical parameters of piglet’s blood, both control and experimental groups, in the dynamics of the experiment were within the limits of the physiological norm and probably did not differ from each other.ru
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяru
dc.subject«Анальцим-Si», «Споро-лекс», пробіотик, нешкідливість, токсичність, лабораторні тварини, поросятаru
dc.subjecttoxicity, safety, probiotic, laboratory animals, pigletsru
Розташовується у зібраннях:Скрипка Марина Вікторівна

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