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Інші назви: | Гистопатологические изменения области перелома трубчатых костей у собак под воздействием препарата «Остивет–I» Histopathological changes of area of fracture of tubular bones at dogs under the influence of a preparation «Оstivet - I» |
Автори: | Телятніков, А.В. Телятников, А.В. Telyatnikov, A. |
Теми: | Ветеринарія наноаквахелати металів, переломи трубчастих кісток, фрактурна мозоль, собаки наноаквахелаты металлов, переломы трубчатых костей, фрактурная мозоль, собаки nanoaquahelats of metals, fractures of tubular bones, osteal callositas, dogs |
Дата публікації: | 2015 |
Видавництво: | Науковий вісник ветеринарної медицини, 2'2015. |
Бібліографічний опис: | УДК 619:616.71: 577.118:636.7 Телятніков А. В. Гістопатологічні зміни ділянки перелому трубчастих кісток у собак під впливом препарату "Остивет-І" / А. В. Телятніков // Науковий вісник ветеринарної медицини. - 2015. - № 2. - С. 137-143. |
Короткий огляд (реферат): | У статті доводиться, що застосування наночасток металів: Mg, Co, Cu, Zn, Ag за переломів трубчастих кісток у собак, у процесі формування фрактурного мозоля, через 14 діб значно зменшує вміст протеогліканів за одночасного збільшення вмісту глікопротеїдів, катіонних білків, колагену. Ці показники свідчать про інтенсивність сполучнотка-нинної регенерації в щілині перелому, а також утворення м’якої мозолі. На 19–20 день фрактурна мозоль набуває вигляд щільної кісткової тканини, яка за своєю щільністю набагато перевищує щільність кінців кісткових уламків, які вона міцно з'єднує між собою, що сприяє утворенню твердого кісткового мозоля, на відміну від контрольних тварин у яких фрактурна мозоль блідо забарвлюється гематоксиліном і еозином внаслідок вираженого склерозу та гіалінозу. Застосування зазначених вище наночасток металів, у складі препарату «Остивет–I», на 3–5 діб прискорює формування стабільної твердої кісткової мозолі у собак. В статье доказывается, что применение наночастиц металлов: Mg, Co, Cu, Zn, Ag при переломах трубчатых кос-тей у собак, в процессе формирования фрактурной мозоли, через 14 дней значительно уменьшает содержание проте-огликанов при одновременном увеличении содержания гликопротеидов, катионных белков, коллагена. Эти показа-тели подтверждают интенсивность соединительнотканной регенерации в щели перелома, а также образования мяг-кой мозоли. На 19-20 день фрактурная мозоль приобретает вид плотной костной ткани, которая по своей плотности намного превышает плотность концов костных отломков, которые она прочно соединяет между собой, способствуя образованию твёрдой костной мозоли, в отличие от контрольных животных у которых фрактурная мозоль бледно окрашивается гематоксилином и эозином вследствие выраженного склероза и гиалиноза. Применение вышеуказанных наночастиц металлов, в составе препарата «Остивет-I», на 3-5 суток ускоряет формирование стабильной твердой костной мозоли у собак. Influence research nanoaquahelats of metals: Mg, Co, Cu, Zn, Ag; on formation of an osteal callositas at dogs with fractures of tubular bones with rather wide (2,0 - 4,0 mm) a fracture cleft. For the purpose of influence finding-out nanoaquahelats of metals on histopathological changes of area of fracture have been applied a preparation «Оstivet - I» which contains aforementioned nanopar-ticles in concentration of 100 mg / L, the size nanoparticles 1-50 nanometers. According to modern representations about the mecha-nism reparative neogeneses of bones, the important role in an adnation of fragments play the components of an organic matrix pre-sented first of all proteoglycans, glycoproteids, cationic proteins, collagen. Spent, applying an ocular-micrometer, measurements of sizes of various osteal structures, histological and histochemical researches. Compared histopathological a picture of sites of fracture, at dogs to the cross-section closed diaphyseal fractures of radial and tibial bones: In experience (n = 5) perorally daily within 3 weeks set a preparation «Ostivet-I» (0,5 ml / kg); in each control (n = 5) animals received the same quantity of water. For this purpose a method economical trepanobiopsy received small fragments from different sites of a cleft of fracture of radial and tibial bones, with observance of norms of bioethics, since 10th till 25th day, with an interval of 5 days. Fragments fixed in 10 % th neutral formalin, a decalcification spent to 7 % to nitric acid. Received the frozen and paraffinic sections which painted a hematoxylin eosine, picrofucsin on Van Gizon, bromphenol dark blue, alcin dark blue, spent the PASS-reaction. Quantity of biopolymers (proteoglycans, glycoproteids, cationic proteins, collagen) estimated visually on intensity of corresponding histochemical reactions in points: 1 - insignificant linkage of a stain, 2 - the expressed linkage of a stain, 3 - intensive linkage of a stain, 4 - the greatest possible linkage of a stain.The most typical changes of an organic basis of an osteal callositas are taped on 14 - 15 days. At control animals rather wide cleft of fracture is filled rather with a matrix considerable quantity, in which structure are visualised in a considerable quantity, if to judge on intensity of histochemical reaction, proteoglycans. Quantity of glycoproteids at a visual estimation of intensity a PASS-reaction rather small. Accumulation in the fracture gap proteoglycans at dogs of control group leads to a formation of a significant amount of a cartilaginous tissue. The superfluous quantity of a cartilaginous tissue slows down transformations of a soft callositas to a firm osteal callositas and by that the definitive adnation of osteal fragments definitely brakes. At dogs with the fractures, receiving nanoaquahelats of metals, in fracture gap considerably smaller quantity proteoglycans compounds and considerably larger quantity of glycoproteids, cationic proteins and, that is especially important, the osteal collagen, capable to attach to itself crystals of calcium phosphate (mineralization), is thus expressed formation of a soft callositas is intensified. In a tissue fracture gap are formed the expressed vascular channels which researches for the given period yet are not filled bone marrow regenerate but which are activly occupied further by elements of an osteal brain. In a zone of fracture against dystrophic and necrobiotic changes of the extremities of fragments observed plentiful infil-tration by neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes which in the control through 16 - 20 days the expressed proliferation of fibrocytes. Last was accompanied by manufacture of the basic substance (matrix) of a connecting tissue. In experience re-spective alterations were accelerated on 3 - 5 days then in a fracture gap noted an intensive proliferation of a grid of fibrous fibers. In the control through 22 - 25 days accurately generated tissue of an osteal callositas with the made narrower vascular channels was formed. The fracture callus acyanotically was painted over by a hematoxylin and eosine because of to the ex-pressed sclerosis and a hyalinosis. In experience on 19 - 20 day fracture callus took a form of a dense osteal tissue which on the density much more exceeded density of the extremities of osteal fragments which it strongly bridged among themselves that marked formation firm osteal callous. At formation fracture callus after 14 days of application nanoaquahelats of metals considerably the maintenance proteoglycans decreased (on 24,3 %) at simultaneous augmentation of the maintenance of glycoproteids (on 24,7 %), cationic proteins (in 2,09 times), collagen (in 1,99 times). These indicators confirm intensity of connective tissue neogenesis in fracture gap, and also the phenomenon of the accelerated formation of a soft callositas under influence nanoaquahelats of metals. Thus peroral application of a preparation «Ostivet - I» on 3 - 5 days accelerated formation of a stable firm osteal callositas. |
Опис: | Influence research nanoaquahelats of metals: Mg, Co, Cu, Zn, Ag; on formation of an osteal callositas at dogs with fractures of tubular bones with rather wide (2,0 - 4,0 mm) a fracture cleft. For the purpose of influence finding-out nanoaquahelats of metals on histopathological changes of area of fracture have been applied a preparation «Оstivet - I» which contains aforementioned nanopar-ticles in concentration of 100 mg / L, the size nanoparticles 1-50 nanometers. According to modern representations about the mecha-nism reparative neogeneses of bones, the important role in an adnation of fragments play the components of an organic matrix pre-sented first of all proteoglycans, glycoproteids, cationic proteins, collagen. Spent, applying an ocular-micrometer, measurements of sizes of various osteal structures, histological and histochemical researches. Compared histopathological a picture of sites of fracture, at dogs to the cross-section closed diaphyseal fractures of radial and tibial bones: In experience (n = 5) perorally daily within 3 weeks set a preparation «Ostivet-I» (0,5 ml / kg); in each control (n = 5) animals received the same quantity of water. For this purpose a method economical trepanobiopsy received small fragments from different sites of a cleft of fracture of radial and tibial bones, with observance of norms of bioethics, since 10th till 25th day, with an interval of 5 days. Fragments fixed in 10 % th neutral formalin, a decalcification spent to 7 % to nitric acid. Received the frozen and paraffinic sections which painted a hematoxylin eosine, picrofucsin on Van Gizon, bromphenol dark blue, alcin dark blue, spent the PASS-reaction. Quantity of biopolymers (proteoglycans, glycoproteids, cationic proteins, collagen) estimated visually on intensity of corresponding histochemical reactions in points: 1 - insignificant linkage of a stain, 2 - the expressed linkage of a stain, 3 - intensive linkage of a stain, 4 - the greatest possible linkage of a stain.The most typical changes of an organic basis of an osteal callositas are taped on 14 - 15 days. At control animals rather wide cleft of fracture is filled rather with a matrix considerable quantity, in which structure are visualised in a considerable quantity, if to judge on intensity of histochemical reaction, proteoglycans. Quantity of glycoproteids at a visual estimation of intensity a PASS-reaction rather small. Accumulation in the fracture gap proteoglycans at dogs of control group leads to a formation of a significant amount of a cartilaginous tissue. The superfluous quantity of a cartilaginous tissue slows down transformations of a soft callositas to a firm osteal callositas and by that the definitive adnation of osteal fragments definitely brakes. At dogs with the fractures, receiving nanoaquahelats of metals, in fracture gap considerably smaller quantity proteoglycans compounds and considerably larger quantity of glycoproteids, cationic proteins and, that is especially important, the osteal collagen, capable to attach to itself crystals of calcium phosphate (mineralization), is thus expressed formation of a soft callositas is intensified. In a tissue fracture gap are formed the expressed vascular channels which researches for the given period yet are not filled bone marrow regenerate but which are activly occupied further by elements of an osteal brain. In a zone of fracture against dystrophic and necrobiotic changes of the extremities of fragments observed plentiful infil-tration by neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes which in the control through 16 - 20 days the expressed proliferation of fibrocytes. Last was accompanied by manufacture of the basic substance (matrix) of a connecting tissue. In experience re-spective alterations were accelerated on 3 - 5 days then in a fracture gap noted an intensive proliferation of a grid of fibrous fibers. In the control through 22 - 25 days accurately generated tissue of an osteal callositas with the made narrower vascular channels was formed. The fracture callus acyanotically was painted over by a hematoxylin and eosine because of to the ex-pressed sclerosis and a hyalinosis. In experience on 19 - 20 day fracture callus took a form of a dense osteal tissue which on the density much more exceeded density of the extremities of osteal fragments which it strongly bridged among themselves that marked formation firm osteal callous. At formation fracture callus after 14 days of application nanoaquahelats of metals considerably the maintenance proteoglycans decreased (on 24,3 %) at simultaneous augmentation of the maintenance of glycoproteids (on 24,7 %), cationic proteins (in 2,09 times), collagen (in 1,99 times). These indicators confirm intensity of connective tissue neogenesis in fracture gap, and also the phenomenon of the accelerated formation of a soft callositas under influence nanoaquahelats of metals. Thus peroral application of a preparation «Ostivet - I» on 3 - 5 days accelerated formation of a stable firm osteal callositas. |
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): | http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1081 |
Розташовується у зібраннях: | Телятніков Андрій Володимирович |
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