Перегляд зібрання за групою - Теми
- hardening, wear resistance, a method, friction 1
- harvest, wheat, environmental conditions, genotype, genetic progress. 1
- harvesting and transport complex, combine harvester, working condition, technical failures 1
- harvesting and transport complex, machine, reliability, operable condition, failures, redundancy 1
- harvesting machine, harvester, wheat, process, separate collection, direct harvesting, maintenance costs, and fuel 1
- harvesting, reliability, technological complex, combine harvesters, work on a refuse, mean time is renewal of refuse, awaiting-parts 1
- harvesting, organic production, organic farming, farming, certification, SWOT analysis 1
- health and rehabilitation center, physical culture and sports complex, implementation of services, system of discounts, price incentives 1
- health assessment, mycotoxicoses, detoxification, toxicological research, natural mineral Аnaltsym, Analtsymоsorbent, samples of feed, hematological indicators, chickens, young pigs, cattle 2
- heat therapy, tissue culture, grapevine free from virus and phytoplasma diseases 1
- heavy metals, agrotechnical system, mercury compounds, xenobiotics, cumulation, food chain, the toxic effect 1
- heavy metals, biotransformation, organs and tissues of repair pigs, 1
- heavy metals, food crops, the organism of swine, offsprings, оrgans and tissues, BDK. 1
- heavy metals, honey, maximum permissible levels, pollution indicator, radionuclides 1
- heavy metals, pectin feed additive, amino acids, hemoglobin, red blood cells, white blood cells 1
- heavy metals, soil, aviculture, zoohygiene 1
- heavy metals, south of Ukraine, conducted researches 1
- heavy metals, sows, morphological structure, piglets 1
- heavy metals, Сadmium, Plumbum, Cuprum, Zink, Mercury, the alarm level concentrations, regions, zones of Ukraine 1
- heifers, age, connubium, yield, udder, soundings 1